Tummy Tuck

How much will a tummy tuck cost in the UK? Tummy tuck cost, at the lowest prices in the UK. Although our costs are low, our standards are high. We can arrange your operation throughout most of the UK.
Tummy tucks are not used as an alternative for weight loss. With a tummy tuck procedure, an extended horizontal incision is created in the natural fold beneath your tummy (the bikini line). Skin is also cut near the umbilicus, and the excess fat and skin are then pulled away from your tummy muscles.
This procedure is helpful when;
- Exercise and dieting haven’t remedied serious muscle weaknesses, for example following numerous pregnancies
- The skin and muscles around your tummy are unable to get back its regular firmness, which often can appear through being overweight.
Mini Tummy Tuck
We also do mini tummy tucks. This procedure is done to remove excess fat and any skin in the lower area of your abdomen. It restores your natural body shape and gives you a natural appearance.
Finance is available. Please call us on 020 7183 4310 for more details.
Our abdominoplasty cost is the lowest in the UK. This operation can be performed under a general or local anaesthetic in most cases will take between two to three hours.
Your cosmetic surgeon might use one of many techniques.
- Full abdominoplasty – This is appropriate for those who have a great deal of excess skin. Your surgeon will make a rounded cut from one hip to the other. He will then remove any surplus skin and fat. Your cosmetic surgeon will then cut beneath the skin above your belly button pulling it down and securing it. Occasionally they will be required to rebuild your belly button and firm up the muscles of your abdominal wall.
- Mini abdominoplasty – This is appropriate if you have only a little surplus skin. Your cosmetic surgeon will only make a smallish incision just above the pubic region to take away the surplus skin.
- Endoscopic abdominoplasty – This is appropriate if you just need to have the muscles of your stomach wall tightened. Your cosmetic surgeon will make compact cuts and utilize unique surgical instruments to tighten up your stomach muscles.
You can expect to experience some discomfort and pain for a few days following your surgical treatment this will be controlled with medication. Relaxing with your legs and hips bent can lessen tension on your tummy over the advised One To Three day stay in the hospital.
A flexible support much like a girdle, is put on for two weeks to give you additional tummy support whilst recovering. Intense exercise should be avoided for approximately four weeks.
Your scar tissue becomes lighter in colour and heals over the subsequent three to six months. Skin is stretched downwards, extra skin and body fat trimmed. You can anticipate some discomfort and pain for a few days following a tummy tuck, and this can be handled with pain medicine. The remaining scar tissue will diminish after a while.
If you’d like much more information regarding surgery please fill in the form above for a friendly chat with one of our experts.