Hair Transplant
Hair loss is common – but curable. There are many reasons for hair loss to occur, including:
- Men and women with pattern baldness affecting each of the sexes.
- Those who wish to restore their hairline or have it reshaped after significant hair loss.
- To conceal scarring from injury or skin disease.
- People who want to thicken or restore eyebrows, eyelashes, and patches in beards
- major illness or surgery.
- Hormonal Imbalance
- An underlying disease, such as diabetes or lupus.
- Sometimes, hair loss may also occur if there are dental problems.
- Physical stress on the follicle, as amongst those who suffer from pulling their hair, which is also known as trichotillomania.
Whatever the cause, advances in surgical methods means hair transplants can be used in conjunction with other hair restoration techniques (medication and cosmetic applications) to restore your hair to its former glory.
This surgery doesn’t just treat the thinning of head hair, it can also be used on eyebrows, beards or even chest hair!
If you’re worried how it’ll look, don’t worry – the precise techniques used for hair transplants can replicate the angle and direction of hair growth from individual follicles, to provide the most natural solution for the area where the hair is being replaced. This is the neat bit: the transplanted hair is your own hair! Just growing in a different area that you can wash, style and groomjust as you have been doing.
Thanks to modern techniques, the hair is transplanted so well that often a barber or stylist cannot even tell that grafts have been placed!
Here’s a bit on the procedure:
Follicular Unit Graft Transplantation – a modern restoration technique
Hair transplantation surgery is considered to be “minor surgery” and may take between 4 and 6 hours and is performed using local anaesthesia on an out-patient basis.
The “donor area” and the “recipient area” is numbedby injecting a local anaesthetic with a very small gauge needle that is about the size of an acupuncture needle. This is the only slightly uncomfortable part of the session.
After that bit’s over:
- Hair-bearing skin is taken from a “donor area” which are usually located at the back or sides of the scalp. This is then used to make small follicular unit grafts.
- The grafts are then meticulously planted onto the bald or thinning areas or the “recipient area”.
- The scalp will begin to recover, and hair can be expected to grow within 10-16 weeks after the procedure.
- Enjoy your new hair!
Of course, during your consultation, feel free to ask any questions about the procedure, or the post-procedure recovery phase.
After the procedure is complete, the postoperative care instructions will be explained. These will also be supplied in writing in case you forget!
“Am I Ready to Have the Hair Transplant?”?
The Hair Transplant may become an option once there has been significant hair loss and pattern has been established. In men, this may be by the mid-twenties, although some may be affected more acutely much earlier. The decision for every patient will depend upon their individual circumstances, congenital factors, general state of health and reasons for hair loss. The vast majority of patients have their first procedure while they are not yet completely bald. We will work with you to design a plan that best suits your needs.
Once more, book a free consultation with us and we can see what we can do for you!